Cannot type anything in react native TextInput component -

i new react-native. doing simple salary calculator component practice. have 2 textinput components, can't seem type in them. here code component:

class sueldocalc extends component {   constructor(props)   {      super(props);   }   calcsalario()  {    console.log("calculating");  }  render()  { return (   <view>       <text>entre las horas trabajadas:</text>       <textinput />       <text>entre el rate por hora:</text>       <textinput />       <touchablehighlight onpress={this.calcsalario}>         <text>calcular salario...</text>       </touchablehighlight>   </view> );  }  } 

i tried subscribing ontextchange events, nothing. basic, can't find out there. please help! running app on android simulator visual studio.

you should specify ontextchange handler set state there. <textinput /> should have value property:

<textinput      value={this.state.horas}     onchange={this._onchangehandler} /> 
