ios - is it possible to make "HTML to speech" same like "Text to speech"? -

i have 1 wired requirement in exiting app have text2speech , have used avspeechsynthesizer speech text, client requirement wants speech html file has many html file in db.

my suggestion :

use html parsing , text html , use same framework text2speech.

but client don't want type of parsing , wants api or framework providing directly html2speech feature.

any suggestion or highly appreciated.

as have worked html parsing , text2speech here can go 2 steps 1.get attribute string html file below code works in ios7+

as per client perspective : if there api in market html2speech may paid or depended on api if use any. while native framework same you/client wants.

step 1:

[[nsattributedstring alloc] initwithdata:[htmlstring datausingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]                                   options:@{nsdocumenttypedocumentattribute: nshtmltextdocumenttype,                                            nscharacterencodingdocumentattribute: @(nsutf8stringencoding)}                        documentattributes:nil error:nil]; 

then can pass attributed string in avspeechutterance

step 2: use below method html2string:

/**  *  "converthtmltostrandplay" : method convert html string   synthesizer.  *  *  @param aurlhtmlfilepath : "object of html file path"  */ -(void)converthtmltostrandplay:(uibutton*)abtnplaypause                 isspeechpaused:(bool)speechpaused       stringwithhtmlattributes:(nsattributedstring*)astrwithhtmlattributes {      if (synthesizer.speaking == no && speechpaused == no) {          avspeechutterance *utterance = [[avspeechutterance alloc] initwithstring:astrwithhtmlattributes.string];         //utterance.rate = avspeechutteranceminimumspeechrate;          if (is_arabic) {             utterance.voice = [avspeechsynthesisvoice voicewithlanguage:@"ar-au"];         }else{             utterance.voice = [avspeechsynthesisvoice voicewithlanguage:@"en-au"];         }          [synthesizer speakutterance:utterance];     }     else{         [synthesizer pausespeakingatboundary:avspeechboundaryimmediate];     }      if (speechpaused == no) {         [synthesizer continuespeaking];     } else {         [synthesizer pausespeakingatboundary:avspeechboundaryimmediate];     }  } 

and usual while need stop use below code stop speech.

/**  *  "stopplaywithavspeechsynthesizer" : method stop playing of audio on application.  */ -(void)stopplaywithavspeechsynthesizer{      // additional setup after loading view, typically nib.     [synthesizer stopspeakingatboundary:avspeechboundaryimmediate]; } 

hope html2speech feature.
