java - an Assert that accept anything and then check if there exist an exception -

i using java, testng , selenium write test. wondering if have assert type can put anything in , if throws exception assert print message like:

assert.something(wait.until(expectedconditions.elementtobeclickable (by.xpath("//button[text()='add representative']"))).click()); 

i know can use try , catch like:

try{     wait.until(expectedconditions.elementtobeclickable     (by.xpath("//button[text()='add representative']"))).click(); }catch(exception e){     assert.assertfalse(true, "this clcik did not work"); } 

buy wondering if use in way showed above.

you can use following 2 methods case:

public static void assertnull(java.lang.object object, java.lang.string message) 

as click command returns null when element clicked, can assert null , pass message assert want print on failure.


public static void assertthrows(assert.throwingrunnable runnable) 

this assert function throws exception or not.

you can refer testng assert class , method more details. hope helps.
