java - How to stop execution till all the async tasks finish execution in android? -

i have multiple asynctask's running in loop inside splash screen. want app stop execution until asynctasks complete.and update ui thread total number of async task , task's if there 3 tasks , 1 complete display 1/3 complete. code loop:-

 string[] images = parse_imgjson.image;         (int = 0; < images.length; i++) {             log.d("image ", images[i]);             download_img(images[i]);         } 

code download_img():-

public void download_img(string img_url) {     string filename = img_url.substring(img_url.lastindexof('/') + 1, img_url.length());     file file = new file("/storage/emulated/0/rready_images/" + filename);      if (file.exists() && !file.isdirectory()) {         log.d("image exists", filename);      } else {         if (filename.contains(".jpg") || filename.contains(".gif") || filename.contains(".png")) {             new downloadimagesasync().execute(img_url);         } else {             log.d("image download ", "failed " + filename);          }      } } 

the actual async task code downloading file:-

     class downloadimagesasync extends asynctask<string, string, string> {          boolean issdpresent = android.os.environment.getexternalstoragestate().equals(android.os.environment.media_mounted);          private string resp;         int lengthoffile;          @override         protected string doinbackground(string... params) {               int count;              try {                 url url = new url(params[0]);                 urlconnection connection = url.openconnection();                 connection.connect();                  lengthoffile = connection.getcontentlength();                 log.d("andro_async", "length of file : " + lengthoffile);                  string filename = params[0].substring(params[0].lastindexof('/') + 1, params[0].length());                 log.d("filename", filename);                 resp = filename;                  if (issdpresent) {                      inputstream inputstream = new bufferedinputstream(url.openstream());                     outputstream outputstream = new fileoutputstream("sdcard/rreadyreckoner_images/" + filename);                     byte data[] = new byte[1024];                     long total = 0;                     while ((count = != -1) {                         total += count;                         outputstream.write(data, 0, count);                     }                      outputstream.flush();                     outputstream.close();                     inputstream.close();                 } else {                     inputstream inputstream = new bufferedinputstream(url.openstream());                     outputstream outputstream = new fileoutputstream(getfilesdir() + "/rreadyreckoner_images/" + filename);                     byte data[] = new byte[1024];                     long total = 0;                     while ((count = != -1) {                         total += count;                         outputstream.write(data, 0, count);                     }                      outputstream.flush();                     outputstream.close();                     inputstream.close();                  }               } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }             return params[0];         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(string filename) {             log.d("param", filename + " downloaded ");              string fname = filename.substring(filename.lastindexof('/') + 1, filename.length());              log.d("length of file : ", string.valueof(lengthoffile));              if (issdpresent) {                  file f = new file("/storage/emulated/0/rreadyreckoner_images/" + fname);                 if (f.length() < lengthoffile) {                     if (f.delete()) {                          //  toast.maketext(rreadysplash.this, "download interrupted please try again!", toast.length_short).show();                         log.d("del", "file deleted");                     } else {                          log.d("notdel", "file not deleted");                     }                 } else {                      // dbhandler.updatedownloadstatus(image_id, "yes");                  }              } else {                  file f = new file("/storage/emulated/0/rreadyreckoner_images/" + fname);                 if (f.length() < lengthoffile) {                     if (f.delete()) {                          log.d("del", "file deleted");                     } else {                          log.d("notdel", "file not deleted");                     }                 } else {  //                    dbhandler.updatedownloadstatus(image_id, "yes");                   }               }           }          @override         protected void onpreexecute() {             super.onpreexecute();          }          @override         protected void onprogressupdate(string... values) {             log.d("andro_async", values[0]);          }     } 

any or suggestion appreciated. thank you.

there lot of methods.

for example, can use interface callbacks.

create interface:

public interface mycallback {     public void readycallback(int index_thread); } 

change class:

    class downloadimagesasync extends asynctask<string, string, string> { private int id = 0; private    mycallback callback;             boolean issdpresent = android.os.environment.getexternalstoragestate().equals(android.os.environment.media_mounted);              private string resp;             int lengthoffile;     public downloadimagesasync(int id, mycallback callback) { = id; this.callback = callback; }             @override             protected string doinbackground(string... params) {                   int count;                  try {                     url url = new url(params[0]);                     urlconnection connection = url.openconnection();                     connection.connect();                      lengthoffile = connection.getcontentlength();                     log.d("andro_async", "length of file : " + lengthoffile);                      string filename = params[0].substring(params[0].lastindexof('/') + 1, params[0].length());                     log.d("filename", filename);                     resp = filename;                      if (issdpresent) {                          inputstream inputstream = new bufferedinputstream(url.openstream());                         outputstream outputstream = new fileoutputstream("sdcard/rreadyreckoner_images/" + filename);                         byte data[] = new byte[1024];                         long total = 0;                         while ((count = != -1) {                             total += count;                             outputstream.write(data, 0, count);                         }                          outputstream.flush();                         outputstream.close();                         inputstream.close();                     } else {                         inputstream inputstream = new bufferedinputstream(url.openstream());                         outputstream outputstream = new fileoutputstream(getfilesdir() + "/rreadyreckoner_images/" + filename);                         byte data[] = new byte[1024];                         long total = 0;                         while ((count = != -1) {                             total += count;                             outputstream.write(data, 0, count);                         }                          outputstream.flush();                         outputstream.close();                         inputstream.close();                      }                   } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                 }                 return params[0];             }              @override             protected void onpostexecute(string filename) {                 log.d("param", filename + " downloaded ");     if (callback != null) { callback.readycallback(myid); }                 string fname = filename.substring(filename.lastindexof('/') + 1, filename.length());                  log.d("length of file : ", string.valueof(lengthoffile));                  if (issdpresent) {                      file f = new file("/storage/emulated/0/rreadyreckoner_images/" + fname);                     if (f.length() < lengthoffile) {                         if (f.delete()) {                              //  toast.maketext(rreadysplash.this, "download interrupted please try again!", toast.length_short).show();                             log.d("del", "file deleted");                         } else {                              log.d("notdel", "file not deleted");                         }                     } else {                          // dbhandler.updatedownloadstatus(image_id, "yes");                      }                  } else {                      file f = new file("/storage/emulated/0/rreadyreckoner_images/" + fname);                     if (f.length() < lengthoffile) {                         if (f.delete()) {                              log.d("del", "file deleted");                         } else {                              log.d("notdel", "file not deleted");                         }                     } else {      //                    dbhandler.updatedownloadstatus(image_id, "yes");                       }                   }               }              @override             protected void onpreexecute() {                 super.onpreexecute();              }              @override             protected void onprogressupdate(string... values) {                 log.d("andro_async", values[0]);              }         } 

to use class change main function

string[] images = parse_imgjson.image;         (int = 0; < images.length; i++) {             log.d("image ", images[i]);             download_img(images[i], i);         }      public void download_img(string img_url, int i) {         string filename = img_url.substring(img_url.lastindexof('/') + 1, img_url.length());         file file = new file("/storage/emulated/0/rready_images/" + filename);          if (file.exists() && !file.isdirectory()) {             log.d("image exists", filename);                } else {                 if (filename.contains(".jpg") || filename.contains(".gif") || filename.contains(".png")) {                     new downloadimagesasync(i, new mycallback() { @override     public void readycallback(int index_thread) {      //this ready callback      }     }).execute(img_url);                 } else {                     log.d("image download ", "failed " + filename);                  }              }     } 

do not forget check whether using main ui thread:

if need may wrap updates function:

@override     public void readycallback(int index_thread) {      //this ready callback     runonuithread(new runnable() {                 @override                 public void run() {                     //this ready callback in main ui //i not remember if onpostexecute in main ui thread                 }             });     } 
