android - FirebaseListAdapter showing wrong content for list items -

the scenario onn scroll, new items in listview not getting new content instead reusing of content used loaded items.

public void append(final string f, final activity a, listview l) {         final firebaselistadapter adapter = new firebaselistadapter<notedata>(a, notedata.class, r.layout.note,                 ref.orderbychild("time")) {             @override             protected void populateview(final view v, notedata model, int position) {                 string k = getref(position).getkey();                 body.settext(model.getbody());                 title.settext(model.gettitle());                 color.settext(model.getcolor());          appenddone((hashmap) notes, adapter);     } } 

i understand if using convertview, i'd first check if convertview null, how make sure new items new data?
