i have database contains following columns: vendor, amount, startdate, months
i able calculate average monthly amount based on months entered. see calculate out start date end date based on startdate + months calculation. resulting table this:
vendor1 has 2 months of 1112 starting jan 1 while vendor2 has 3 months of 2040 staring feb 1
| | annual | jan | feb | mar | apr | vendor1 | 2,224 | 1,112 | 1,112 | | | vendor2 | 6,120 | | 2,040 | 2,040 | 2,040 |
any assistance or direction appreciated.
that's strange db design. however, here's you've got try:
select (amount * months) annual, (case @(startdate < date("01.02.year")) when 1 amount else null) jan table --etc months
will think of modifications though, because way little straightforward.
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