node.js - How to overlay unicode characters on image with node-canvas? -

i'm trying overlay unicode characters on image, characters not showing.

   var img = new image()    img.src = fs.readfilesync(path.join(__dirname, 'images', 'snow.jpg'))    ctx.drawimage(img, 0, 0, 500, 500)     img = new image()    //img.src = canvas.tobuffer()    ctx.font = "40pt calibri";    ctx.linewidth = 1    ctx.strokestyle = '#ddd'     ctx.fillstyle = '#000'    ctx.filltext('wahoo', 49, 99)    ctx.rotate(0.5)    ctx.translate(20, -40)    ctx.filltext("testing", 100, 180)    ctx.rotate(0)    ctx.translate(20, -60)    // unicode here    ctx.filltext('\u5929\u6c23', 160, 100)     canvas.createpngstream().pipe(res);` 
