got simple component faded
<template> <style> :host { display: block; height: 7em; background: white; border: 1px solid var(--paper-blue-grey-50); width: 100%; margin: 0.1em 0; } :host ([faded]) { display: none; background: #eaeaea; color: #a8a8a8; cursor: auto; pointer-events: none; } .month { ... } .names { ... } .date { ... } </style> <div> <div class="month" hidden="[[hidemonth]]">[[details.month]]</div> <div class="names"> <span class="date">[[]]</span> <div hidden="[[hidename]]"> <div>[[]]</div> <div class="highlight annotation"></div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> 'use strict'; polymer({ is: "calendar-day-short-view", properties: { date: { type: object, observer: '_daychanged' }, details: { type: object, value: function () { return {} } }, hidemonth: { type: boolean, reflecttoattribute: true, value: false }, hidename: { type: boolean, reflecttoattribute: true, value: false }, holiday: { type: boolean, reflecttoattribute: true, value: false }, faded: { type: boolean, reflecttoattribute: true, value: false } }, _daychanged: function () { var cal = new calendar(); =; this.details = { date:, name: cal.getdayname(), day:, month: cal.getmonthname() }; } }) </script> </dom-module>
unfortunately renders :host
style , ignores :host[faded]
, when try include component 1 this:
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[week]]"> <calendar-day-short-view date="[[item]]" class="flex" hide-month faded></calendar-day-short-view> </template>
you have wrong on both counts. correct selector use :host([faded])
:host ([faded])
not valid selector. space needs dropped, because css forbids having whitespace between function name , accompanying parentheses. furthermore, parentheses not allowed in selector except when part of recognized function token.:host[faded]
grammatically sound, won't work because shadow host featureless, , therefore cannot matched attribute selectors in context (i.e. when compounded:host
pseudo). why functional variant provided:host
in form of:host()
, can match host element against specific compound selector while still dealing restriction.
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