java - Parse the following XML using Retrofit SimpleXml-Converter Simple XML -

do inesessary need describe tags every time? how can take text "340.00 гр"

<param name="Вес">340.00 гр</param>

try describe next nested xml:

   @root(name = "yml_catalog", strict = false) public class offersresponse {     @path("shop/offers")     @elementlist(entry = "offer",inline = true)     private static arraylist<offer> offerlist;      public arraylist<offer> getofferlist() {         return offerlist;     } }  @root(name = "offer") public class offer {     @element(required = false, name = "url")     private string url;     @element(required = false, name = "name")     private string name;     @element(required = false, name = "price")     private string price;     @element(required = false, name = "description")     private string description;     @element(required = false, name = "picture")     private string picture;     @element(required = false, name = "categoryid")     private string categoryid;     @element(required = false, name = "param")     private string param; } 

09-02 14:31:21.064 28998-28998/com.example.pavel.lesson8 d/tag: onfailure: java.lang.runtimeexception: org.simpleframework.xml.core.attributeexception: attribute 'id' not have match in class com.example.pavel.lesson8.models.offer @ line 23

parsing in java super, same parsing in python excellent,my personal advice use python html , other files parsing . because , there many libraries there work , instantly
