naming conventions - What do I call the object-hierarchical "path" of JSON attributes / properties / members and what is their standardized name? -

consider have following typed json objects:

parent: {     "field1" : "value of field1"     "fieldc" : {child} }  child: {     "field2" : "value of field2" } 

q: call field1 , field2?
q: call "path" fieldc.field2?
accessor path?
field path?
member hierarcy path?

field1 , field2 strings.

[anything, ..., ... ] array, elements of object.

and have 0-9 (with decimals, negative, positive or e), true/false , null, numeric values, boolean , nullvalue

{child} object. don't think it's called path (i'd that's opinion-based). maybe field-path, it's rather child-object. key string , value object/array/string/bool/null/numeric or decimal

all possibilities e.g.:

{     "string": "string-value",     "nulltype": null,     "child_object": {         "boolean": true,         "any_decimal_int": -1.5e3     },     "array_values":[         {             "any_value": true         },         {             "any_value": false         }     ] } 

of course can combine more , have unlimited child-objects , lists :)
