django - How to add a field to admin without using inlines? -

based on django-photologue want let users have own gallery , want dispay gallery's owner in admin.

inlines provide additional block of fields @ bottom of admin page. need 1 field user want displayed in main block of admin page, i.e. among other fields of gallery model).

# models photologue.models import gallery profiles.models import userprofile  class galleryextended(models.model):     gallery = models.onetoonefield(gallery)     user = models.foreignkey(userprofile, verbose_name=_('user'), on_delete=models.cascade)      def __str__(self):         return  # admin django import forms django.contrib import admin photologue.admin import galleryadmin galleryadmindefault photologue.models import gallery .models import galleryextended  class inlinegalleryextendedadmin(admin.tabularinline):     model = galleryextended  class galleryadminform(forms.modelform):     class meta:         model = gallery         exclude = ('description', )  class galleryadmin(galleryadmindefault):     form = galleryadminform     save_on_top = true     inlines = [inlinegalleryextendedadmin] # not want use inlines 

i tried add class galleryadmin:

fields = ('user',)  # tried add fieldsets def user(self, instance):     return instance.galleryextended.user 

but not work. works list_display, i.e.:

list_display = ('user',) 

add 'user' readonly_fields , can add 'user' fileds
