i'm trying create new release plugin , can't make work.
the general document try follow this: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/jenkins/hosting+plugins
i managed every possible error message on page (connection refused, publickey, 401 unauthorized) , tried many combination of suggestion there , here , across web, no luck far.
i have user in jenkinsci, in github , permission in infra.
can point me list of steps cause successful deployment? please specific possible.
- where run? cmd? github-desktop shell (cmd? bash? powershell?) regular git-bash? (each gives me different result)
- pom.xml setting? parent use? tried including latest 2.14, again, each version giving me different error
what should test before run? i've run mvn release:perpare release:perform , caused version number increase many times no reason. should 'mvn deploy' work? (it doesn't)
i've got work (it hard, endless tries).
the bottom line nothing exciting, of clues in original document https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/jenkins/hosting+plugins (which read 2,000 times, each time noticing nuance important). original plugin released 3 years ago, things have changed since caused of problems.
this set-up worked:
- github desktop installation
- i used shell comes (the default, powershell one)
- needed set ssh keys it
- i needed fill pr permission (this new, not needed then)
- my jenkins ci account no longer worked apparently - needed reset password
- i got 'unauthorized' errors, upgrade parent pom 2.10 (like suggested here https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/jenkinsci-dev/pfd_b370h20/nh2ex99scaaj
- updating parent gave lots of other issues, tried combinations 2.14-2.6, settled 2.10 , fixed compilation issue (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/jenkins/jelly+and+xss+prevention)
- upgrading parent did not solve authorization followed workaround here - https://github.com/jenkinsci/git-client-plugin/commit/c9f6cbae246e038d7cb2cd97ecf72efc0212971a
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