plugins - Plug-In that Converted Note entity pre-existing attachment XML file into new .MMP file -

strong text [plugin error @ note entity][1]


hi,anyone resolved issue got plug-in error worked @ update of "note" entity.basically want plugin converted pre-exiting note attachment xml file new .mmp extension file same name. have done following procedure firstly created "converter_code.cs" dll contains convert() method converted xml file .mmp file here constructor of class.

 public converter(string xml, string defaultmapfilename, bool isforweb)       {          xml = xml;          defaultmapfilename = defaultmapfilename;          result = environment.newline;          isforweb = isforweb;          ismapconverted = false;          resultfolder = createresultfolder(mmcglobal.resultfolder);       } 

in convertplugin.cs plug-in class firstly retrieved note entity attachment xml file in string using following method in

  ipluginexecutioncontext context =(ipluginexecutioncontext)serviceprovider.                                getservice (typeof(ipluginexecutioncontext));  iorganizationservicefactory servicefactory= (iorganizationservicefactory)serviceprovider.getservice(typeof(iorganizationservicefactory));  iorganizationservice service = servicefactory.createorganizationservice                                (context.userid);    if (context.inputparameters.contains("target")              && context.inputparameters["target"] entity)        {         // obtain target entity input parameters.         entity entity = (entity)context.inputparameters["target"];         var annotationid = entity.getattributevalue<guid>("annotationid");         if (entity.logicalname != "annotation")         {           return;         }         else         {           try          {            //retrieve annotation file          queryexpression notes = new queryexpression { entityname ="annotation"         ,columnset = new columnset("filename", "subject", "annotationid",                        "documentbody") };         notes.criteria.addcondition("annotationid", conditionoperator.equal,                                       annotationid);         entitycollection notesretrieve = service.retrievemultiple(notes);         if (notesretrieve != null && notesretrieve.entities.count > 0)         {          {            //converting document body content bytes            byte[] fill = convert.frombase64string(notesretrieve.entities[0]                          .attributes["documentbody"].tostring());             //converting string            string content = system.text.encoding.utf8.getstring(fill);            converter objconverter = new converter(content, "testmap", true);            objconverter.convert();           }          }         }           catch (faultexception<organizationservicefault> ex)          {           throw new invalidpluginexecutionexception("something going wrong");          }         }        }         } 

and string passed "converter" constructor parameter. merged dll using ilmerge following method: ilmerge /out:newconvertplugin.dll convertplugin.dll converter_code.dll , newconvertplugin registered while working generate following error:

unexpected exception plug-in (execute): converterplugin.class1: assembly not allow partially trusted callers. debug plugin using error-log not worked not reason whats going wrong.

the error caused library merged inside plugin.

first of using crm online (from screenshot) , crm online can use register plugins inside sandbox.

sandbox means plugins limited , run in partial-trust environment.

you merged external library requires full-trust permissions, plugin can't work , reason of error.

because in crm online, or find library (the converter) requires partial-trust, hoping merge process work, or include (if have it) source code of converter library directly inside plugin.
