currently i'm working on swift3 / ios10 update of existing ios9 app stores 10.000 charging points electric vehicles across europe. shipped application pre-filled database (.sqlite, .sqlite-shm, .sqlite-wal files .xcappdata bundle), current version apple introducing nspersistentcontainer class, makes bit more complicated. in appdelegate class i'm instantiating nspersistentcontainer object , passing lazy var it's done apple in every example code:
lazy var stationdatapersistentcontainer: nspersistentcontainer = { let filemgr = filemanager.default let destinationmodel = nspersistentcontainer.defaultdirectoryurl() if !filemgr.fileexists(atpath: destinationmodel.appendingpathcomponent("stationdata.sqlite").path) { { try filemgr.copyitem(at: url(fileurlwithpath: bundle.main.resourcepath!.appending("/stationdata.sqlite")), to: destinationmodel.appendingpathcomponent("/stationdata.sqlite")) try filemgr.copyitem(at: url(fileurlwithpath: bundle.main.resourcepath!.appending("/stationdata.sqlite-shm")), to: destinationmodel.appendingpathcomponent("/stationdata.sqlite-shm")) try filemgr.copyitem(at: url(fileurlwithpath: bundle.main.resourcepath!.appending("/stationdata.sqlite-wal")), to: destinationmodel.appendingpathcomponent("/stationdata.sqlite-wal")) } catch { // } } else { // } /* persistent container application. implementation creates , returns container, having loaded store application it. property optional since there legitimate error conditions cause creation of store fail. */ let container = nspersistentcontainer(name: "stationdata") container.loadpersistentstores(completionhandler: { (storedescription, error) in if let error = error nserror? { /* * typical reasons error here include: * parent directory not exist, cannot created, or disallows writing. * persistent store not accessible, due permissions or data protection when device locked. * device out of space. * store not migrated current model version. * check error message determine actual problem was. */ fatalerror("unresolved error \(error), \(error.userinfo)") } }) return container }()
in ios9 version im copying files apropriate directory, can see in following code example:
lazy var persistentstorecoordinator: nspersistentstorecoordinator = { let coordinator = nspersistentstorecoordinator(managedobjectmodel: self.managedobjectmodel) let url = self.applicationdocumentsdirectory.urlbyappendingpathcomponent("stationdata.sqlite") let filemgr = nsfilemanager.defaultmanager() if !filemgr.fileexistsatpath(url.path!) { { try filemgr.copyitematpath(nsbundle.mainbundle().pathforresource("stationdata", oftype: "sqlite")!, topath: self.applicationdocumentsdirectory.urlbyappment("stationdata.sqlite").path!) try filemgr.copyitematpath(nsbundle.mainbundle().pathforresource("stationdata", oftype: "sqlite-shm")!, topath: self.applicationdocumentsdirectory.urlbyappendingpathcomponent("stationdata.sqlite-shm").path!) try filemgr.copyitematpath(nsbundle.mainbundle().pathforresource("stationdata", oftype: "sqlite-wal")!, topath: self.applicationdocumentsdirectory.urlbyappendingpathcomponent("stationdata.sqlite-wal").path!) } catch { // } { try coordinator.addpersistentstorewithtype(nssqlitestoretype, configuration: nil, url: url, options: [nsmigratepersistentstoresautomaticallyoption:true, nsinfermappingmodelautomaticallyoption:true]) } catch { // } } else { // } return coordinator }()
for number of days have tried move files proper directory returned nspersistentcontainer.defaultdirectoryurl() -> url
, everytime error, file exists because stationdatapersistentcontainer initialized , nspersistentcontainer had enough time generate sqlite* files. if try copy files , initialize stationdatapersistentcontainer in overwritten init() function not right. there i'm missing or overlooking in documentation? best/right/appropriate way copy existing data on installation of app coredata.
just information, store json-files, api documents directory , run json-parser, needs lot of ressources , time! (this question posted on apple developers forum , waiting approval)
this how it:
lazy var persistentcontainer: nspersistentcontainer = { let container = nspersistentcontainer(name: "app_name") let seededdata: string = "app_name" var persistentstoredescriptions: nspersistentstoredescription let storeurl = self.applicationdocumentsdirectory.appendingpathcomponent("app_name.sqlite") if !filemanager.default.fileexists(atpath: (storeurl.path)) { let seededdataurl = bundle.main.url(forresource: seededdata, withextension: "sqlite") try! filemanager.default.copyitem(at: seededdataurl!, to: storeurl) } print(storeurl) container.persistentstoredescriptions = [nspersistentstoredescription(url: storeurl)] container.loadpersistentstores(completionhandler: { (storedescription, error) in if let error = error { fatalerror("unresolved error \(error),") } }) return container }()
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