winforms - Webbrowser control with SVG files and zoom support (VB.NET) -

is there example webbrowser control displays svg files , may zoomed mouse wheel?

here simple form doing this:

    public class form1     inherits form      private mzoomfactor short = 100      private sub initializecomponent()         me.webbrowser1 = new         me.webbrowser1.dock =         me.controls.add(me.webbrowser1)     end sub      friend withevents webbrowser1      public sub new()         ' call required designer.         initializecomponent()         webbrowser1.documenttext = "<!doctype html><html><head><meta http-equiv=""x-ua-compatible"" content=""ie=9""/></head><body><h1>my first svg</h1><svg width=""100"" height=""100"">   <circle cx=""50"" cy=""50"" r=""40"" stroke=""green"" stroke-width=""4"" fill=""yellow"" />   sorry, browser not support inline svg.</svg></body></html>"     end sub      private sub form1_load(sender system.object, e system.eventargs) handles mybase.load         'these 2 statements needed, mousewheel event when control key pressed.         windowstate = formwindowstate.normal         webbrowser1.focus()     end sub      private sub form1_mousewheel(sender object, e handles me.mousewheel         if modifierkeys = keys.control andalso <> 0             mzoomfactor += / 120             mzoomfactor = math.max(1, mzoomfactor)             mzoomfactor = math.min(1000, mzoomfactor)    = "zoom:" & mzoomfactor & "%"         end if     end sub end class 

for svg displayed, ie9 must installed , following fragment must included in head of html:

<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=9"/> 

for webbrowser control mousewheel event, when control key pressed following 2 statements must included in form_load handler:

windowstate = formwindowstate.normal webbrowser1.focus() 
