what wanted rotate wheels of car model when run game tiers rotating round car in circular motion can see in picture. script "carcontroller" using attached car , wheel collides , wheels added , tis script written below
using unityengine; using system.collections; public class carcontroller : monobehaviour { public wheelcollider tirefr; public wheelcollider tirefl; public wheelcollider tirerr; public wheelcollider tirerl; public float maxspeed = 100; public float angle = 10; public transform centerofgravity; public transform tiretransformfr; public transform tiretransformfl; public transform tiretransformrr; public transform tiretransformrl; rigidbody rb; public void applylocalpositiontovisuals(wheelcollider collider) { if (collider.transform.childcount == 0) { return; } transform visualwheel = collider.transform.getchild(0); vector3 position; quaternion rotation; collider.getworldpose(out position, out rotation); visualwheel.transform.position = position; visualwheel.transform.rotation = rotation; } // use initialization void start () { rb = getcomponent<rigidbody>(); rb.centerofmass = centerofgravity.localposition; } void update() { tiretransformfl.rotate ( tirefl.rpm / 60 * 360 * time.deltatime, 0, 0); tiretransformfr.rotate ( tirefr.rpm / 60 * 360 * time.deltatime,0,0); tiretransformrl.rotate ( tirerl.rpm / 60 * 360 * time.deltatime, 0, 0); tiretransformrr.rotate ( tirerr.rpm / 60 * 360 * time.deltatime, 0, 0); } // update called once per frame void fixedupdate () { tirerr.motortorque = maxspeed * input.getaxis("vertical"); tirerl.motortorque = maxspeed * input.getaxis("vertical"); tirefl.steerangle = angle * input.getaxis("horizontal"); tirefr.steerangle = angle * input.getaxis("horizontal"); applylocalpositiontovisuals(tirefl); applylocalpositiontovisuals(tirefr); applylocalpositiontovisuals(tirerl); applylocalpositiontovisuals(tirerr); } }
i think should ensure: around axis want rotate of wheels?
could provide more screenshots or short movie?
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