c# - Rotating the display programmatically? -

i'm looking way rotate display of 1 of monitors programmatically. have 2 monitors set on desk mount, , use them in varying orientations when programming or using various other programs, , in order change orientation jump display settings , rotate way (so can have 1 or both in portrait).

call me lazy know thats hardly hassle do, nice have quick little executable on taskbar can run instantly rotate 1 of screens , forth when need to.

i've looked , found various explanations using devmode structs etc, , seems long winded process, there not easier way this? not windows dll has functionailty already?

thanks in advance.

it's not hard achieve using mentioned devmode struct , native calls. i've written little wrapper this:

using system; using system.runtime.interopservices;  public class display     {         public enum orientations         {             degrees_cw_0 = 0,             degrees_cw_90 = 3,             degrees_cw_180 = 2,             degrees_cw_270 = 1         }          public static bool rotate(uint displaynumber, orientations orientation)         {             if(displaynumber == 0)                 throw new argumentoutofrangeexception("displaynumber", displaynumber, "first display 1.");              bool result = false;             display_device d = new display_device();             devmode dm = new devmode();             d.cb = marshal.sizeof(d);             if(!nativemethods.enumdisplaydevices(null, displaynumber-1, ref d, 0))                 throw new argumentoutofrangeexception("displaynumber", displaynumber, "number greater connected displays.");              if (0 != nativemethods.enumdisplaysettings(                 d.devicename, nativemethods.enum_current_settings, ref dm))             {                 if ((dm.dmdisplayorientation + (int)orientation) % 2 == 1) // need swap height , width?                 {                     int temp = dm.dmpelsheight;                     dm.dmpelsheight = dm.dmpelswidth;                     dm.dmpelswidth = temp;                 }                  switch (orientation)                 {                     case orientations.degrees_cw_90:                         dm.dmdisplayorientation = nativemethods.dmdo_270;                         break;                     case orientations.degrees_cw_180:                         dm.dmdisplayorientation = nativemethods.dmdo_180;                         break;                     case orientations.degrees_cw_270:                         dm.dmdisplayorientation = nativemethods.dmdo_90;                         break;                     case orientations.degrees_cw_0:                         dm.dmdisplayorientation = nativemethods.dmdo_default;                         break;                     default:                         break;                 }                  disp_change ret = nativemethods.changedisplaysettingsex(                     d.devicename, ref dm, intptr.zero,                     displaysettingsflags.cds_updateregistry, intptr.zero);                  result = ret == 0;             }              return result;         }          public static void resetallrotations()         {             try             {                 uint = 0;                 while (++i <= 64)                 {                     rotate(i, orientations.degrees_cw_0);                 }             }             catch(argumentoutofrangeexception ex)             {                 // fine, reached last display             }         }     }      internal class nativemethods     {         [dllimport("user32.dll")]         internal static extern disp_change changedisplaysettingsex(             string lpszdevicename, ref devmode lpdevmode, intptr hwnd,             displaysettingsflags dwflags, intptr lparam);          [dllimport("user32.dll")]         internal static extern bool enumdisplaydevices(             string lpdevice, uint idevnum, ref display_device lpdisplaydevice,             uint dwflags);          [dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.ansi)]         internal static extern int enumdisplaysettings(             string lpszdevicename, int imodenum, ref devmode lpdevmode);          public const int dmdo_default = 0;         public const int dmdo_90 = 1;         public const int dmdo_180 = 2;         public const int dmdo_270 = 3;          public const int enum_current_settings = -1;      }      // see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd183565(v=vs.85).aspx     [structlayout(layoutkind.explicit, charset = charset.ansi)]     internal struct devmode     {         public const int cchdevicename = 32;         public const int cchformname = 32;          [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvaltstr, sizeconst = cchdevicename)]         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(0)]         public string dmdevicename;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(32)]         public int16 dmspecversion;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(34)]         public int16 dmdriverversion;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(36)]         public int16 dmsize;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(38)]         public int16 dmdriverextra;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(40)]         public dm dmfields;          [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(44)]         int16 dmorientation;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(46)]         int16 dmpapersize;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(48)]         int16 dmpaperlength;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(50)]         int16 dmpaperwidth;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(52)]         int16 dmscale;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(54)]         int16 dmcopies;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(56)]         int16 dmdefaultsource;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(58)]         int16 dmprintquality;          [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(44)]         public pointl dmposition;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(52)]         public int32 dmdisplayorientation;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(56)]         public int32 dmdisplayfixedoutput;          [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(60)]         public short dmcolor;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(62)]         public short dmduplex;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(64)]         public short dmyresolution;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(66)]         public short dmttoption;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(68)]         public short dmcollate;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(72)]         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvaltstr, sizeconst = cchformname)]         public string dmformname;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(102)]         public int16 dmlogpixels;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(104)]         public int32 dmbitsperpel;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(108)]         public int32 dmpelswidth;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(112)]         public int32 dmpelsheight;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(116)]         public int32 dmdisplayflags;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(116)]         public int32 dmnup;         [system.runtime.interopservices.fieldoffset(120)]         public int32 dmdisplayfrequency;     }      // see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd183569(v=vs.85).aspx     [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, charset = charset.ansi)]     internal struct display_device     {         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.u4)]         public int cb;         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvaltstr, sizeconst = 32)]         public string devicename;         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvaltstr, sizeconst = 128)]         public string devicestring;         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.u4)]         public displaydevicestateflags stateflags;         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvaltstr, sizeconst = 128)]         public string deviceid;         [marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvaltstr, sizeconst = 128)]         public string devicekey;     }      // see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/windows/desktop/dd162807(v=vs.85).aspx     [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)]     internal struct pointl     {         long x;         long y;     }      internal enum disp_change : int     {         successful = 0,         restart = 1,         failed = -1,         badmode = -2,         notupdated = -3,         badflags = -4,         badparam = -5,         baddualview = -6     }      // http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/enums/displaydevicestateflags.html     [flags()]     internal enum displaydevicestateflags : int     {         /// <summary>the device part of desktop.</summary>         attachedtodesktop = 0x1,         multidriver = 0x2,         /// <summary>the device part of desktop.</summary>         primarydevice = 0x4,         /// <summary>represents pseudo device used mirror application drawing remoting or other purposes.</summary>         mirroringdriver = 0x8,         /// <summary>the device vga compatible.</summary>         vgacompatible = 0x10,         /// <summary>the device removable; cannot primary display.</summary>         removable = 0x20,         /// <summary>the device has more display modes output devices support.</summary>         modespruned = 0x8000000,         remote      = 0x4000000,         disconnect  = 0x2000000     }      // http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/user32/changedisplaysettingsflags.html     [flags()]     internal enum displaysettingsflags : int     {         cds_none = 0,         cds_updateregistry      = 0x00000001,         cds_test                = 0x00000002,         cds_fullscreen          = 0x00000004,         cds_global              = 0x00000008,         cds_set_primary         = 0x00000010,         cds_videoparameters     = 0x00000020,         cds_enable_unsafe_modes = 0x00000100,         cds_disable_unsafe_modes= 0x00000200,         cds_reset               = 0x40000000,         cds_reset_ex            = 0x20000000,         cds_noreset             = 0x10000000     }      [flags()]     internal enum dm : int     {         orientation         = 0x00000001,         papersize           = 0x00000002,         paperlength         = 0x00000004,         paperwidth          = 0x00000008,         scale               = 0x00000010,         position            = 0x00000020,         nup                 = 0x00000040,         displayorientation  = 0x00000080,         copies              = 0x00000100,         defaultsource       = 0x00000200,         printquality        = 0x00000400,         color               = 0x00000800,         duplex              = 0x00001000,         yresolution         = 0x00002000,         ttoption            = 0x00004000,         collate             = 0x00008000,         formname            = 0x00010000,         logpixels           = 0x00020000,         bitsperpixel        = 0x00040000,         pelswidth           = 0x00080000,         pelsheight          = 0x00100000,         displayflags        = 0x00200000,         displayfrequency    = 0x00400000,         icmmethod           = 0x00800000,         icmintent           = 0x01000000,         mediatype           = 0x02000000,         dithertype          = 0x04000000,         panningwidth        = 0x08000000,         panningheight       = 0x10000000,         displayfixedoutput  = 0x20000000     } 

you can invoke static rotate-function display number want rotate (monitor 1=1, monitor 2=2, etc.) , degree need. this:

display.rotate(1, display.orientations.degrees_cw_180); 

there little short-hand function resetallrotations() reset displays.

