python - GeoDjango distance query with srid 4326 returns 'SpatiaLite does not support distance queries on geometry fields with a geodetic coordinate system.' -

i'm trying fetch nearby kitchens, within 4 km radius given lat/long. spatial backend spatialite , settings are,

      installed_apps = (         'django.contrib.admin',         'django.contrib.auth',         'django.contrib.contenttypes',         'django.contrib.sessions',         'django.contrib.messages',         'django.contrib.staticfiles',         'django.contrib.gis',         'rest_framework',         'oauth2_provider',         'kitchen',     )      databases = {         'default': {             'engine': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.spatialite',             'name': os.path.join(base_dir, 'db.sqlite3'),         }     }  

here model

      django.contrib.gis.db import models     django.contrib.gis.geos import point      class kitchen(models.model):         id = models.charfield(max_length=100,primary_key=true)         #id = models.autofield(primary_key=true)         name = models.charfield(max_length=100,blank=false)         address = models.charfield(max_length=1000, blank=true, default='')         contact_no = models.charfield(max_length=100,blank=true, default='')         location = models.pointfield(srid=4326, geography=true, blank=true, null=true)         objects = models.geomanager()  

my query django shell is,

      kitchen.models import kitchen     django.contrib.gis import measure     django.contrib.gis import geos      current_point = geos.fromstr('point(%s %s)' % (76.7698996, 17.338993), srid=4326)     kitchen.objects.filter(location__distanc  e_lte=(current_point, measure.d(km=4))) 

which return below value error,

      spatialite not support distance queries on geometry fields geodetic coordinate system. distance objects; use numeric value of distance in degrees instead.  

setting different projected srid in model(ex. 3857, 24381 etc) returns incorrect results. here appreciated.

most problem srid. seems spatialite not support type of distance query on fields unprojected coordinate systems.

so on right track, setting srid different value have no effect long have geography=true enabled in model definition. geography type forces srid 4326, described in django geography docs.

so try setting geography=false , srid 1 of projected coordinate systems trying out.
