css - oracle apex barcode generation using javascript -

i have apex classic report, has barcode column. managed display code128 barcode format using below jquery plugin.

http://barcode-coder.com/en/barcode-jquery-plugin-201.html , following below steps, 1. add following javascript code header of region

var bc; $("[name=bctarget]").each(function(index) { bc = $(this).html(); $(this).barcode(bc, "code128", {barwidth:1, barheight:30}); }); 

2. add following html expression section of column

<div name="bctarget" id="bc_#item_barcode#" class="barcode" >#item_barcode#</div> 

the issue have is, can't change width of barcode. barcode function has barwidth parameter (int), have set 1, barcode width still not short enough.

i tried change font size via css no luck.

anyone has suggestions?

thanks lot
