java - Files are corrupted when upload image files and .xlsx in ng file upload in AngularJs -

to upload files server used there send files form multi part.also can upload multiple files far working text,xml , csv files.i not sure if did mistake enable other format jpeg,png , .xlsx file format.

here front end code snippet.

<div class="input input-file  "><span class="button"><input  name="files[]"  ngf-select multiple accept="text/csv/xlsx/xls" ngf-pattern=".txt,.xml,.xls,.csv,.xlsx" ngf-max-height="1000" ngf-max-size="10mb" type="file" id="tattachments"name="file"  ng-model="model_col_field" onchange="this.parentnode.nextsibling.value = this.value">browse</span>    <input    ng-class="\'colt\' + col.uid" ui-grid-edit-file-chooser id="attachments" type="text" placeholder="select files (optional)" readonly="">  </div>

i enabled following ng-file upload directives accept="text/csv/xlsx/xls" ngf-pattern=".txt,.xml,.xls,.csv,.xlsx"

request header details

content-disposition: form-data; name="files[0]"; filename="samplefile.xlsx" content-type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 

i not sure if did mistake here.

back end code snippet save files db

private filesattachment addfileattachment(string filename,             string filecontent, string mimetype) {          filesattachment attachment = new filesattachment();         byte[] stream = filecontent.getbytes();         attachment.setdata(stream);         attachment.settimestamp(calendar.getinstance().gettime());         attachment.setsize(stream.length);         attachment.setfilename(filename);         attachment.setdescription(filename);         attachment.setmimetype(mimetype);    return attachment; } 

js code snippet

var promise= upload.upload({                         url: rest end point url,                         data: {                         files: attachments, //file list contains selected files                         'message':message,                         'username': username              }}).then(function (response) {                  etc ...              } 

then tried access files have uploaded cant open them.please let me know did wrong.
