in swift if have global constant such let host = xxx in file, change of constant cause project files recompiled
correct, changing @ scope cause recompile.
just same if change constant in specific class, class recompiled.
if need change values outside of code, e.g. host
it's better use plist file properties in it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype plist public "-//apple//dtd plist 1.0//en" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>host</key> <string></string> </dict> </plist>
example code value:
guard let settingsfileurl = nsbundle.mainbundle().urlforresource("settings", withextension: "plst") else { fatalerror("unable find plist file") } let settings = nsdictionary(contentsofurl: settingsfileurl) guard let host = settings?.valueforkey("host") as? string else { fatalerror("unable host value plist file") } print("host = \(host)")
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