swift - Realm migration memory leak iOS -

i getting memory leak during migration using realm (v1.0.2). code looks that:

        let config = realm.configuration(         schemaversion: 1,         migrationblock: { migration, oldschemaversion in             // haven’t migrated yet, oldschemaversion == 0             if (oldschemaversion < 1) {                 migration.enumerate(myclassrealm.classname(), { (oldobject, newobject) in                      newobject!["remoteid"] = 0                     newobject!["deleted"] = false                     newobject!["dirty"] = true                     newobject!["updated"] = 0                 })             }     })      // tell realm use new configuration object default realm     realm.configuration.defaultconfiguration = config      // we've told realm how handle schema change, opening file     // automatically perform migration     {         let _ = try realm()     } catch {         tslog.error(error nserror)     } 

stack trace: enter image description here

do have idea wrong?

it's difficult tell without symbols intermediate frames of stack trace, suspect you're running realm cocoa issue #2933, appears memory leak due bug in swift's runtime libraries.
