angular - BrowserModule has already been loaded Error -

i've updated application rc6 , keep getting error:

zone.js:484 unhandled promise rejection: browsermodule has been loaded. if need access common directives such ngif , ngfor lazy loaded module...

i'm using lazy loading , application broken in lot of lazy loaded modules. in rc5 worked fine.

the change i've managed find in changelog rc6 this:

compiler: throw descriptive error meesage invalid ngmodule providers

but since haven't seen errors in rc5 doesn't apply here.

i'm kind of out of ideas appreciated.

i think using 'noopanimationsmodule' or 'browseranimationmodule', contain 'browsermodule' , loading module lazily. solution replace browsermodule 'noopanimationmodule or 'browseranimationmodule' in 'app.module.ts'.

import { router } '@angular/router'; import { adminsmodule } './admins/admins.module'; import { noopanimationsmodule } '@angular/platform-browser/animations'; //import { browsermodule } '@angular/platform-browser'; import { ngmodule,oninit } '@angular/core'; import { appcomponent } './app.component';  @ngmodule({     declarations: [         appcomponent,     ],     imports: [     //browsermodule,     noopanimationsmodule,     formsmodule ],     providers: [],     bootstrap: [appcomponent] }) export class appmodule {} 
