gulp - Code coverage report from Istanbul for Protractor has no output -

this may 2 part question because configuration may little messed up. trying code coverage report protractor tests; grunt-protractor-coverage istanbul no longer works protractor version 3.3 using gulp-istanbul protractor-istanbul-plugin instead. have instrumented files need cannot protractor use instrumented files.


var istanbul = require('gulp-istanbul'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var concat = require('gulp-concat');  gulp.task('concat', function(){ gulp.src('coverage/*.js') // instrument protractor-istanbul-plugin:     .pipe(istanbul({coveragevariable: '__coverage__'}))     .pipe(concat('scripts.js'))     .pipe(gulp.dest('test/e2e/testresults'))     .pipe(istanbul.writereports()); }); 

so first off, example @ code coverage protractor tests in angularjs helped me out building initial stuff, feel though gulp.src incorrect. right gulp.src points coverage files are. right now, npm run command "protractor": "gulp concat && protractor test/e2e/mockdataconf.js" in package.json, , when run command results of tests output before tests run. getting 0/0 100% across board in report.

mockdataconf.js :

..//configuration stuff here... var istanbulplugin = require('protractor-istanbul-plugin'); plugins: [{     inline: istanbulplugin,     logassertions: true,     failassertions: true,     outputpath: '../../test/e2e/testresults' }] 

so supposed directing gulp.src directory instrumented files , why report output being shown before tests run?

edit: understand concat'ing files want use , instrumenting them script.js file. update more once working.
