python - why doesnt the below code work for stock option on yahoo finance -

this code not work yahoo finance of google finance works ''

import pandas pd lxml.html import parse urllib2 import urlopen import textparser  def _unpack(row, kind='td'):    elts = row.findall('.//%s' % kind)    return [val.text_content() val in elts]  def parse_options_data(table):    rows = table.findall('.//tr')    header = _unpack(rows[0], kind='th')    data = [_unpack(r) r in rows[1:]]    return textparser(data, names=header).get_chunk() parsed = parse(urlopen(''))  doc = parsed.getroot() tables = doc.findall('.//table') table = parse_options_data(tables[1]) table 

how fix?
