so have been following guide provided embeddedmicro on producing simple 16 bit cpu using hdl lucid. goal convert on verilog in quartus ii. problem having trying store bits allocated destination of data specific range of bits inside designated register. second problem having using global constant 1 of case values. able around replacing constant value. have added include file project settings. still new verilog might abundant of bad code.
the error recieved on line 57
shift_r.d[dest] = din; //supposed storing data coming in register
error readout: verilog syntax error, near text: "=". check , fix syntax errors appear before or @ specified keyword
`include "cpu_8/my_incl.vh" module cpu(clk,rst,write,read,address,dout,din); input rst,clk; input [0:7] din; //data in output reg [0:7] address; output reg [0:7] dout; //data out output reg write,read; reg [0:15] inst; //i not sure if set array registers correctly either shiftreg shift_r[0:15] (rst, clk, d, q); //initialize shift_r , create array of 16 registers. //implicit net created d , q above when generating block file instrom_16 instroms(address, inst); //intialize instrom_16 module reg [0:3]op; // opcode reg [0:3]arg1; // first arg reg [0:3]arg2; // second arg reg [0:3]dest; // destination arg reg [0:7]constant; //constant always@(posedge clk) begin write = 0; // don't write read = 0; // don't read address = 8'b0; // don't care dout = 8'b0; // don't care instroms.address = shift_r.d[0]; //set shift_reg program counter shift_r.d = shift_r.q[0] + 1; //increment program counter. op = instroms.inst[15:12]; // opcode first 4 bits dest = instroms.inst[11:8]; // destination 1 4 bits arg1 = instroms.inst[7:4]; // argument2 next 4 bits arg2 = instroms.inst[3:0]; // argument2 last 4 bits constant = instroms.inst[7:0]; //perform operations case (op) 4'd1: //tried use `load wouldn't point value in include file read = 1; // request read //line failing shift_r.d[dest] = din; //supposed storing data coming in register //4'd2: endcase end endmodule
this include file
`ifndef _my_incl_vh_ `define _my_incl_vh_ `define nop = 4'd0; // 0 filled `define load = 4'd1; // load `endif
you made little mistake: shiftreg shift_r[0:15] (rst, clk, d, q);
instantiates array of shift_r, each instance of has rst, clk, d , q.
so shift_r.d[dest} should become shift_r[dest].d , shift_r.q[0] should become shift_r[0].q.
for shift_r.d, guess want 0:15 vector. need assign 16 bits intermediate wire of 15 bits using e.g. loop.
hope helps
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