elasticsearch - I need to remove the cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.force made in curl -

i made curl petition elastic cluster force awareness:


but didn't in settings file, in curl petition , i'm having lot's of shards unasigned. knows curl sentence remove force awareness?

please help..


there no way revert dynamic settings default in elasticsearch 2.x specified in github-issue

there support in elasticsearch 5.x mentioned in documentation

resetting persistent or transient settings can done assigning null value. if transient setting reset, persistent setting applied if available. otherwise elasticsearch fallback setting defined @ configuration file or, if not existent, default value. here example:

curl -xput localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{     "transient" : {         "discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes" : null     } 

in elasticsearch 2.x have following optoins :

  • if cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.force modified in transient settings restart cluster.
  • if persistent workaround stop cluster delete global-x.st files under 0/_state/.
    note: careful if go route since lose other dynamic settings, templates too.
