i want write script our build server (windows machine).
one part extracting binaries , deleting debugging files. have code already.
the second part getting sourcefiles of project (wpf) , compress it, excluding /bin/ , /obj/ folders.
what i've got far is:
# # , zip sourcefiles # # relevant folders , files [string[]]$folderexcludes = @('*bin*', '*obj*') $folders = get-childitem -directory -recurse -exclude $folderexcludes | %{ $allowed = $true foreach ($exclude in $folderexcludes) { if ((split-path $_.fullname -parent) -ilike $exclude) { $allowed = $false break } } if ($allowed) { $_ } } [string[]]$fileexcludes = @('*.git*', 'sonar-project.properties') $files = $folders | get-childitem -file | %{ $allowed = $true foreach ($exclude in $fileexcludes) { if ($_.name -ilike $exclude) { $allowed = $false break } } if ($allowed) { $_.fullname } } $files
the list of files contains files want zip. when do
set-alias sz "$env:programfiles\7-zip\7z.exe" $files | %{ sz -mx=9 "$sourcepath\$artifactpath.zip" $_ }
it gets files , places them root.
when try zip folders, 7zip takes folders, includes bin , obj , includes hidden .git folders (which don't tend release source code).
so how can compress source file without bin/obj folders , without breaking filepaths insidde zip?
btw tried delete folders, after build process , after copying binaries export-folder, powershell seems hold files can't delete @ time :(
a more stupid idea copying of , deleting bin , obj folders there.. seems inefficient.
and don't need use 7zip. i'm fine winzip or else. wanted compress sourcecode.
see answer on superuser: https://superuser.com/a/97347/440614
set-alias sz "$env:programfiles\7-zip\7z.exe" sz -mx=9 "$sourcepath\$artifactpath.zip" foldertoarchive\ -mx0 -xr!bin -xr!obj -xr!.git, -xr!sonar-project.properties
...may need tweaking, should give start.
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