python - Sphinx autosummary “toctree contains reference to nonexisting document” warnings -

i facing same problem in thread. when build sphinx documentation make html lot of warnings this

none:none: warning: toctree contains reference nonexisting document u'' 

i using html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'. if change classic, don't warnings. if add numpydoc_show_class_members = false, don't them either.

but; sphinx_rtd_theme , when use classic or add numpydoc_show_class_members = false, 'toc' of python methods removed (see red box on image) prefer staying.

the documentation of cars module made by

.. automodule:: cars    :members: 

the module contains single class car 2 methods. docstrings written in numpydoc.

it seems me using numpydoc extension. please note numpy , google style docstrings supported builtin sphinx.ext.napoleon extension.

removing numpydoc extension , using sphinx.ext.napoleon solve problem.

