i following nick blundell's tutorials boot sector programming (https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~exr/lectures/opsys/10_11/lectures/os-dev.pdf , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvzhgro7hl4). code works fine in qemu emulator, when run on physical machine crash whenever begin reference segment registers. teachers @ school not familiar low level programming , cannot me. here bootloader, here have annotated lines cause crash string crash (note: when crash, goes on load os next disk. loading code external hdd) :
[bits 16] [org 0x7c00] mov bp, 0xffff mov sp, bp mov ax, 0x0000 mov ds, ax ;; mov es, ax ;; crash ;; mov ss, ax ;; crash mov si, boot_msg call print_string call print_newline mov si, init_seg_msg call print_string call print_newline ;; mov dx, ds ;; crash ;; call print_hex ;; call print_newline ;;mov dx, cs ;; crash ;;call print_hex ;;call print_newline ;;mov dx, es ;; crash ;;call print_hex ;;call print_newline ;;mov dx, ss ;; crash ;;call print_hex ;;call print_newline ;; mov dl, 0x80 ;; disk kernel ;; mov cl, 3 ;; start sect ;; mov al, 1 ;; num sect ;; mov bx, 0x7ef0 ;; ram addr ;; call load_kernel ;; mov si, kern_msg ;; call print_string ;; call print_newline ;; call switch_to_pm jmp $ %include "print.asm" %include "print_hex.asm" %include "disk.asm" %include "pm.asm" [bits 32] pm : mov esi, pm_msg call print_string_pm jmp 0x7ef0 jmp $ [bits 16] boot_msg : db 'booted 16-bit 0x7c00',0 kern_msg : db 'loaded kernel es 0x7ef0',0 pm_msg : db 'switched 32-bit mode',0 init_seg_msg : db 'init segment registers',0 times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xaa55 `
i sure have fundamental misunderstanding, appreciated. here printing routines:
print_string : push ax _loop : lodsb cmp al, 0 je _end mov ah, 0x0e int 0x10 jmp _loop _end : pop ax ret print_hex : mov si, hex_template mov bx, dx shr bx, 12 mov bx, [bx+hexabet] mov [hex_template+2], bl mov bx, dx ;; bx -> 0x1234 shr bx, 8 ;; bx -> 0x0012 , bx, 0x000f ;; bx -> 0x0002 mov bx, [bx+hexabet] mov [hex_template+3], bl mov bx, dx shr bx, 4 , bx, 0x00f mov bx, [bx+hexabet] mov [hex_template+4], bl mov bx, dx , bx, 0x0f mov bx, [bx+hexabet] mov [hex_template+5], bl call print_string ret hex_template : db '0x???? ',0 hexabet : db '0123456789abcdef' print_newline : pusha mov ah, 0x0e mov al, 0x0d int 0x10 mov al, 0x0a int 0x10 popa ret
bios's have peculiarity them in state of cs unknown. in bochs , qemu cs = 0, therefore code origin of 0x7c00 work. real hardware may possibly pass cs = 0x7c0, without appropriate far jump @ beginning of code calls near absolute functions skewed 0x7c00 bytes origin set 0x7c00.
org 0x7c00 jmp 0:begin ; far jump cs = 0 begin: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax
org 0 jmp 0x7c0:0 ; far jump cs = 0x7c0
this what's happening , crash coming @ call print_string looking code @ 0xf8??.
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