c# - Ensure the type on the Action to implement type ILogger -

the following code wraps call serilog logging using statement decorate call. wish ensure type ilogger can passed in action. _logger implements ilogger.

 public class auditlogger : iauditlogger {     public void audit(action logger)     {         using (logcontext.pushproperty("eventtype", "audit"))         {             logger.invoke();         }     } }  _auditlogger.audit(()=>_logger.information("edit user {userid}",id)); //_auditlogger implements ilogger 

if there smarter approach i'm doing feel free offer up.

you aren't "passing in" ilogger, you're passing in lambda can random thing.

you like:

audit(ilogger logger, action<ilogger> action) {    action(logger); }  audit(_logger, x => x.information(...)); 

or if auditlogger constructed independently, can pass in _logger constructor , action method.
