ios - Getting the Device Token when tapping the "Don't Allow" button for Push Notification -

i have bit of difficulty getting device token when user tapped "don't allow" button.

i can device token when tapping "ok" button. -- have no problem one

here note uiapplication.h

[application registerforremotenotifications]; 

// calling result in either application:didregisterforremotenotificationswithdevicetoken: or application:didfailtoregisterforremotenotificationswitherror: called on application delegate.

note: these callbacks made if application has registered user notifications registerusernotificationsettings:, or if enabled background app refresh.

? note means if select "don't allow" button can never device token ?

it doesn't depend on user's action receive device token.

if included in app:

 - (void)application:didregisterforremotenotificationswithdevicetoken 

you still can device token if user disables it
