java - Using a function in Java8 map -

is there java8 equivalent way of writing following?

list<foo> results = new arraylist<>(); (rowresult row : rows) {    results.add(rowtofoofunction(classroomlookup.get(row.getid()), studentlookup.get(row.getid())).apply(row)); } 

where rowtofoofunction function<rowresult, foo> rowtofoo (classroom c, student s)...

so end like:; 

the problem is, in map step, need lookup student/classroom id of row iterating over.

you found solution already, close:

list<foo> results = ->   rowtofoofunction(classroomlookup.get(row.getid()), studentlookup.get(row.getid())).apply(row)) ).collect(collectors.tolist()); 
