ios - A:Set text line-space by my method, when the characters length is 14-15 , it will show only one line -

my label maintitle set line space:

[util setlabellinespace:22 forlabel:((noticeannouncementcell*)cell).maintitle andstr:((informationmodel *)self.datasource[indexpath.row]).title]; 

the util method:

+ (void)setlabellinespace:(float)spacing forlabel:(uilabel *)label andstr:(nsstring *)originstr{       //label.numberoflines = 0;     if (originstr == nil) {         originstr = @"";     }     nsstring* string = originstr;     nsmutableparagraphstyle *style  = [[nsmutableparagraphstyle alloc] init];     style.minimumlineheight = spacing;     style.maximumlineheight = spacing;     nsdictionary *attributtes = @{nsparagraphstyleattributename : style};     label.attributedtext = [[nsattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:string                                                              attributes:attributtes];     [label sizetofit]; } 

the string should 黑龙江吉林等地有暴雨 局部大暴雨, use util method set line space, shows 黑龙江吉林等地有暴雨 局部大 1 line, should 黑龙江吉林等地有暴雨 局部大暴雨 2 line. if string add character make length longer , 2 line,and no issue first cell. this issue

have tried setting line breaks option in attributes inspector 'character wrap'? enter image description here
