currently i'm loading of components dynamically piece of code.
export class componentoutlet { constructor( private vcref: viewcontainerref, private compiler: compiler, private dataservice: dataservice ) { } private _createdynamiccomponent() { // logic decide component should loaded return mycomponent; } ngonchanges() { this.compiler.compilecomponentasync(this._createdynamiccomponent()) .then(factory => { const injector = reflectiveinjector.fromresolvedproviders([], this.vcref.parentinjector); this.vcref.clear(); this.vcref.createcomponent(factory, 0, injector); }); }
the problem mycomponent
has @input
, output
bindings. possible set bindings here? how can achieve that?
bindings inputs , outputs can used components statically added components template.
in case can imperatively like
var cmpref = this.vcref.createcomponent(factory, 0, injector); cmpref.instance.someinput = value; cmpref.instance.someoutput.subscribe(data => = data);
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