ios - How to get annotation indexpath in mapview -

i have problem.
have mapview, , have many annotations in mapview.
how know indexpath select annotation.
find function didselectannotationview don't know how use it.

this code:

 bool firstlocationreceived;  -(void)locationmanager:(cllocationmanager *)manager didupdatelocations:(nsarray<cllocation *> *)locations {     cllocation *currentlocation = locations.lastobject; //current location      if(firstlocationreceived == no)     {         mkcoordinateregion region = _shopmapview.region; = currentlocation.coordinate;         region.span.latitudedelta = 0.05;         region.span.longitudedelta = 0.05;          [_restaurantmapview setregion:region animated:true];          //add annotation          (int = 0; < self.items.count ; i++)          {             mkpointannotation *annotation = [mkpointannotation new];              nsdictionary *item = self.items[i];              cllocationdegrees latitude = [item[@"latitude"] doublevalue];             cllocationdegrees longitude = [item[@"longitude"] doublevalue];              annotation.coordinate = cllocationcoordinate2dmake(latitude, longitude);             annotation.title = item[@"name"];             annotation.subtitle = item[@"address"];              [_shopmapview addannotation:annotation];            firstlocationreceived == yes;         }     } }  -(mkannotationview*)mapview:(mkmapview *)mapview viewforannotation:(id<mkannotation>)annotation {     if (annotation == mapview.userlocation)     {         return nil;     }      nsstring *identifier = @"shop";      mkannotationview *result = [mapview dequeuereusableannotationviewwithidentifier:identifier];      if(result ==nil)     {         result = [[mkannotationview alloc]initwithannotation:annotation reuseidentifier:identifier];     }     else     {         result.annotation = annotation;     }     result.canshowcallout = true;      uiimage *annotationviewimage = [uiimage imagenamed:@"point.png"];     result.image = annotationviewimage;      result.leftcalloutaccessoryview = [[uiimageview alloc]initwithimage:annotationviewimage];      uibutton *button = [uibutton buttonwithtype:uibuttontypedetaildisclosure];     [button addtarget:self action:@selector(buttontapped:) forcontrolevents:uicontroleventtouchupinside];     result.rightcalloutaccessoryview = button;      return result; } 


  • you can selected annotation index way,

    -(void)mapview:(mkmapview *)mapview didselectannotationview:(mkannotationview *)view{      mkpointannotation * annotation = [[mkpointannotation alloc]init];      annotation = view.annotation;      nsstring * selectedtitle = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",annotation.title];      nsinteger index = [[self.items valueforkey:@"name"] indexofobject:selectedtitle]; //considering self.items nsdictionary consist of annotation names.      nslog(@"you selected index: %ld",(long)index); } 
  • get annotation title of selected annotation point , lets find it's index in our array of names.
