Powershell - Bytes sent/received -

i need create script samples network traffic every 30 seconds , stores bytes sent/received. data later used draw graphs. wrote 1 works on windows 2012 realised of cmdlets not available in previous versions 2008 seeking alternatives.

for windows 2012 used get-netadapterstatistics received/sent bytes won't work on pre 2012 thought use netstat -e problem both giving me different results , hoping can tell me why? script below written see different between data.

function getnic{ $nic = get-netroute | ? destinationprefix -eq '' | get-netipinterface | connectionstate -eq "connected" | select -expandproperty interfacealias return $nic }  function getbr{    $b = ((netstat -e | select-string "bytes") -split '\s+')[2]    $a = (get-netadapterstatistics |where interfacealias -eq $nic_name   |select -expandproperty sentbytes)     $a - $script:startbr    $b - $script:startbr2    $script:startbr = $a    $script:startbr2 = $b  }   $nic_name = getnic $startbr = (get-netadapterstatistics |where interfacealias -eq    $nic_name |select -expandproperty sentbytes)  $startbr2 = ((netstat -e | select-string "bytes") -split '\s+')[2]  for(1..1000){     getbr      start-sleep 5 } 

the results below

0 0 4577 18308 6695 26780 9055 36220 

ideally interested in capturing traffic on external interface.

while can´t offer explanation difference between methods offer alternative should work on pre 2012 on 2012 upwards:

$ifindex = get-wmiobject -class win32_ip4routetable | {$_.destination -eq ""} | select -expandproperty interfaceindex $ifindex = "interfaceindex=" + $ifindex $nic_name = get-wmiobject -class win32_networkadapterconfiguration -filter $ifindex | select -expandproperty description $nic = [system.net.networkinformation.networkinterface]::getallnetworkinterfaces() | {($_.description -eq $nic_name) -and ($_.operationalstatus -eq "up")} $stats = $nic.getipv4statistics() $bytessent = $stats.bytessent $bytesreceived = $stats.bytesreceived 

this gives results consistent get-netadapterstatistics cmdlet on system

after thinking maybe netstat shows statistics multiple network adapters (maybe including loopback) combined since there no differentiation nic? guessing might explain increased bytecount. sadly there´s no details found in docs
