javascript - Input Validation using Multiple Regex -

i have text field in users can enter numerical field numerical operators. following set of examples valid input

1. > 3 2. >= 3 3. < 3 4. <= 3 5. <> 3 (not) 6. 3 5 (range) 7. <> 3 5 (not range) 

i've following logic works. iterate through each regex on keyup. wanna know there more elegant , better way this?

function myfunction() {     var x, text;      // value of input field id="numb"     x = document.getelementbyid("numb").value;     var arrregex = new array("^>=\\d+$", "^<=\\d+$", "^>\\d+$", "^<\\d+$", "^\\d+$", "^<> \\d+$", "^<> \\d+ \\d+$", "^\\d+ \\d+$");     c = false;     (i = 0; < arrregex.length; i++) {         var regex = new regexp(arrregex[i]);         if (regex.test(x)) {             c = true;         }     }     if (c == true) {         document.getelementbyid("numb").style.backgroundcolor = "green";      } else {         document.getelementbyid("numb").style.backgroundcolor = "red";      } } 

you can set regexp value of pattern attribute @ <input> element, use css :invalid style background property of element; toggle classname @ element @ input, focus events if element .value.length === 0 or :not(:focus) @ css, set background unset !important, else remove classname apply css :valid, :invalid styles

input:invalid {    background: red;  }  input:valid {    background: green;  }  input:not(:focus), .clear {    background: unset !important;  }
<input pattern="^(|>=\d+$|<=\d+$|>\d+$|<\d+$|\d+$|<> \d+$|<> \d+ \d+$|\d+ \d+)$">    <script>    var input = document.queryselector("input[pattern]")    input.onfocus = input.oninput = function() {      this.classlist.toggle("clear", this.value.length === 0)    }  </script>
