i looping through list of items using ng-repeat. there values want display simple numbers "435" or "43", want display double 2 decimal places "545,32.43" or "343.32", values percentage want display "75%", , currency want display "$65,434".
i know angularjs provides filters kinds of operations (number, currency, percentage) etc.
but how can chose 1 of filter dynamically based on condition?
config:[ {key:"issue county",value:50,valcolor:'#4caeed', type:'integer',dec_places:0}, {key:"issue average", value:10.5356 ,valcolor:'#4caeed', type:'double', dec_places:2}, {key:"issues percentage", value:57, valcolor:'#e54343', type:'percentage', dec_places:2}, {key:"total amount", value:65000, valcolor:'#4ca977', type:'currency', dec_places:0} ]
<ui class="subcarddiv" ng-repeat="conf in item.config"> <li style="display: inline;"> <span class="carddivkey" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.key}} </span> <span class="carddivval" ng-style="{color:conf.valcolor}" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.value | number:conf.dec_places}} </span> <span ng-if="conf.text" class="carddivtext" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.text}} </span> </li> </ui>
there many ways this
<ui class="subcarddiv"> <li style="display: inline;" ng-repeat="conf in item.config"> <span class="carddivkey" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.key}} </span> <span ng-switch="conf.type"> <span ng-switch-when="double" class="carddivval" ng-style="{color:conf.valcolor}" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.value | number:2}}</span> <span ng-switch-when="percentage" class="carddivval" ng-style="{color:conf.valcolor}" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.value+'%'}}</span> <span ng-switch-when="currency" class="carddivval" ng-style="{color:conf.valcolor}" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.value | currency}}</span> <span ng-switch-when="integer" class="carddivval" ng-style="{color:conf.valcolor}" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.value | number:0}}</span> <span ng-switch-default class="carddivval" ng-style="{color:conf.valcolor}" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.value}}</span> </span> <span ng-if="conf.text" class="carddivtext" style="padding-top: 2px;">{{conf.text}} </span> </li> </ui>
controller function option
$scope.displayconf = function(conf) { if (conf.type == 'double') { return $filter('number')(conf.value, 2); } else if (conf.type == 'integer') { return $filter('number')(conf.value); } else if (conf.type == 'percent') { return conf.value + '%'; } else if (conf.type == 'currency') { return $filter('currency')(conf.value); } else return conf.value; };
and can write generic filter
generic-filter approach
filter('myfilter', function($filter) { return function(conf) { if (conf.type == 'double') { return $filter('number')(conf.value, 2); } else if (conf.type == 'integer') { return $filter('number')(conf.value); } else if (conf.type == 'percentage') { return conf.value + '%'; } else if (conf.type == 'currency') { return $filter('currency')(conf.value); } else return conf.value; } });
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